
Kontaktní informace budou zobrazeny po přihlášení.

Lokalizace firmy

  • Praha

Typ firmy

  • Firma, velká (nad 200 zaměstnanců)

O firmě

McKinsey & Company is a global management consulting firm. We work with leading organizations across the private, public and social sectors. Our scale, scope, and knowledge allow us to address problems that no one else can. We have deep functional and industry expertise as well as breadth of geographical reach. We are passionate about taking on immense challenges that matter to our clients and, often, to the world.

Firemní kultura

A lively place
While it is true that work is what we always put first, it would be a mistake to think it is all McKinsey stands for. We do find time for fun throughout the year: retreats with families, parties, ski trips, movies and theatre, sports of different types. Everyone is free to join in with others and organize an event to their taste. Our events are an excellent opportunity to become friends, not just colleagues.

Aktuální pracovní pozice této firmy

  V současnosti nenabízí firma McKinsey&Company žádné pracovní pozice

Studenti ČZU se mohou přihlašovat svým uživatelským jménem a heslem jako do UIS


Přednášky a akce



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Projekt JOBS PEF

Realizováno v rámci projektu Modernizace studia a studijních programů, kvalita a poradenství na ČZU v Praze, reg. č. CZ.02.2.69/0.0/0.0/16_015/0002386, který je spolufinancován Evropskou unií.

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