Engaged Tracking Foundation

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Lokalizace firmy

  • Praha
  • United Kingdom

Typ firmy

  • Firma, střední (do 200 zaměstnanců)

O firmě

The Engaged Tracking Foundation is a UK-registered not-for-profit ‘think-and-do-tank’. It is the not-for-profit arm of Engaged Tracking - a specialist provider of climate-related data, analytics and low carbon investment strategies to institutional investors.

The Engaged Tracking Foundation has the following mission statement:

1. To accelerate the shift to a low carbon, more circular and sustainable economy.

2. To scale networks of climate resilient communities.


The Engaged Tracking Foundation is sponsoring the Global Sustainable Leadership and the Global Climate Change Challenge Programme in association with the interDependence Agency. The interDependence Agency is a UK-registered not-for-profit established to scale the interDependence blueprint.


The interDependence blueprint is a plan to fund the rapid scale up of climate solutions, invest in local renewable energy and sustainable food production infrastructure, create meaningful jobs and generate new ways for people to participate in the low carbon transition.

Aktuální pracovní pozice této firmy

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Realizováno v rámci projektu Modernizace studia a studijních programů, kvalita a poradenství na ČZU v Praze, reg. č. CZ.02.2.69/0.0/0.0/16_015/0002386, který je spolufinancován Evropskou unií.

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