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Lokalizace firmy

  • celá ČR

Typ firmy

  • Firma, střední (do 200 zaměstnanců)

O firmě

CEPA EXPO is the annual forum that focuses specifically on issues of aviation operations, growth and business development in Central and Eastern Europe.

The first CEPA EXPO was held in 2010. Since then it has become an annual tradition and one of the most important events of its kind in Central and Eastern Europe. Every year the convention welcomes more and more speakers, sponsors, partners and attendees. Due to this fact it has changed venue to a bigger and more luxurious location – the Prague Castle. During the convention we use new technologies and innovations. Our vision is to keep growing every year and grow into an Expo held at the Václav Havel Airport.

The convention builds on its worldwide experience and contacts in the aviation industry to bring together the leading experts and innovators in business aviation to network and participate in panel discussions covering topics ranging from the latest market activity, operating cost control, fleet upgrading, safety management systems, cockpit resource management, aviation fuel purchasing, infrastructure expansion, maintenance planning and budgeting, electronic cockpit devices and future compliance requirements for aircraft and operations. Key iIndustry players will share their knowledge and experience, exchange ideas and consider the best way forward for aviation in the CEE region.

Aktuální pracovní pozice této firmy

  V současnosti nenabízí firma CEPA EXPO a.s. žádné pracovní pozice

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Realizováno v rámci projektu Modernizace studia a studijních programů, kvalita a poradenství na ČZU v Praze, reg. č. CZ.02.2.69/0.0/0.0/16_015/0002386, který je spolufinancován Evropskou unií.

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